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Node.js zobrazující obrázky z Mongo's GridFS

ujistěte se, že jste na 1.0.1 ovladače a použijte rouru požadavku http ke streamování dat, příklad níže to dělá do souboru. Ve verzi 1.1 to bude ještě lepší, protože objekt gridstore bude kompatibilní se čtením a zápisem streamu :)

 * A simple example showing how to pipe a file stream through from gridfs to a file
 * @_class gridstore
 * @_function stream
 * @ignore
exports.shouldCorrectlyPipeAGridFsToAfile = function(test) {
  var db = new Db('integration_tests', new Server("", 27017, 
   {auto_reconnect: false, poolSize: 1, ssl:useSSL}), {native_parser: native_parser});

  // Establish connection to db  
  db.open(function(err, db) {
    // Open a file for writing
    var gridStoreWrite = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_read_stream_pipe", "w", {chunkSize:1024});
    gridStoreWrite.writeFile("./test/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png", function(err, result) {      
      // Open the gridStore for reading and pipe to a file
      var gridStore = new GridStore(db, "test_gs_read_stream_pipe", "r");
      gridStore.open(function(err, gridStore) {
        // Grab the read stream
        var stream = gridStore.stream(true);
        // When the stream is finished close the database
        stream.on("end", function(err) {          
          // Read the original content
          var originalData = fs.readFileSync("./test/gridstore/test_gs_weird_bug.png");
          // Ensure we are doing writing before attempting to open the file
          fs.readFile("./test_gs_weird_bug_streamed.tmp", function(err, streamedData) {
            // Compare the data
            test.deepEqual(originalData, streamedData);

            // Close the database

        // Create a file write stream
        var fileStream = fs.createWriteStream("./test_gs_weird_bug_streamed.tmp");
        // Pipe out the data

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