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SQL Server pro zobrazení stromu dat v určitém formátu

Ukázková tabulka

create table so1 (Itemid varchar(100), Itemname varchar(100), Itemfatherid varchar(100))
insert so1 select
'itemA','theitemA',null union all select
'itemB','theitemB',null union all select
'itemC','theitemC','itemA' union all select
'itemD','theitemD','itemA' union all select
'itemE','theitemE','itemC' union all select
'itemF','theitemF','itemE' union all select


if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tmp') is not null drop table #tmp
create table #tmp (
    uniqueid uniqueidentifier not null,
    level int not null,
    itemid varchar(100) null,
    primary key clustered(uniqueid, level)
;with cte(level, itemid, parentid, uniqueid) as
    select 1, itemid, itemfatherid, NEWID()
    from so1
    where not exists (select * from so1 k where k.itemfatherid=so1.itemid)
    union all
    select cte.level+1, t.itemid, t.itemfatherid, cte.uniqueid
    from cte
    inner join so1 t on t.Itemid = cte.parentid
insert #tmp (uniqueid, level, itemid)
select uniqueid, level, itemid
from cte
option (maxrecursion 1000) -- as required
;with tmp as (
    select *, newlevel = ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by uniqueid order by level desc)
    from #tmp)
update tmp
set level = newlevel
declare @sql nvarchar(max), @columns nvarchar(max)
set @sql = CONVERT(nvarchar(max), (
    select number [data()]
    from master..spt_values
    where type='P' and number between 1 and (select MAX(level) from #tmp)
    order by 1
    for xml path('a')))
select @sql = stuff(replace(replace(@sql,'</a><a>','],['),'</a>',']'),1,3,'[')
select @sql = '
select ' + @sql + '
from #tmp
pivot (max(itemid) for level in (' + @sql + ')) v
order by ' + @sql
exec (@sql)


1       2       3       4
itemA   itemC   itemE   itemF
itemA   itemD   itemG   NULL
itemB   NULL    NULL    NULL

  1. Seskupení a sčítání hodnot pro každý záznam v SQL

  2. MySQL:existuje něco jako interní identifikátor záznamu pro každý záznam v tabulce MySQL?

  3. Jak vytvořit jedinečný index na polích s možnými hodnotami null (Oracle 11g)?

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