1- Je možné přistupovat k databázím MySQL v úhlovém rámci?
Otázka není úhlově specifická, ale ANO je to možné , od MySQL 5.7 je možné vkládat, aktualizovat a mazat záznamy v MySQL přes HTTP. Něco jako toto,+name_last+FROM+names
``` [refer here][1]
> Hence you can interact with MySQL directly with any HTTP client with
> out any middle-ware.
By HTTP Client I mean Curl,Wget or any Http library/API of any language (ajax,request,fetch,axios ... for JavaScript/node)
2 - Would that be insecure like other JavaScript?
Again not JavaScript specific, But **Yes it's insecure(not recommended)** to directly interact with the database from the client.
You need to handle database security issues like SQL Injection from the client side (angular in this case). It's is very inconvenient to do that.
[1]: https://scriptingmysql.wordpress.com/2015/01/15/mysql-5-7-labs-and-the-http-plugin-inserting-updating-and-deleting-records-in-mysql-via-http/
> I do recommend to always have database access middle-ware
> (php,node,python ...) than interacting from client side