Zkuste tento dotaz, ale pokud by existovala nějaká data, mohl bych to zkontrolovat, i když jsem to zkontroloval pomocí fiktivních dat
IFNULL(g.game,'') as Game,
IFNULL(p.name,'') as Prize,
case when g.game != '' then 'Assigned' when p.name != '' then 'Assigned' else 'Not assigned yet' end as `Status`
from token as t
left join (select *
from games
where token_id not in(select
from prize)) as g
on g.token_id = t.token_id
left join (select *
from prize
where token_id not in(select
from games)) as p
on p.token_id = t.token_id
Pak by to měla být ta nejjednodušší věc
select *
from `user`
left join token
on user.user_id = token.user_id
left join games
on games.token_id = token.token_id
left join prize
on prize.token_id = token.token_id
where user.user_id = 1