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Existuje nějaký logický důvod mít jiný tabulkový prostor pro indexy?

Je rozšířeným názorem, že udržování indexů a tabulek v samostatných tabulkových prostorech zlepšuje výkon. To je nyní mnohými respektovanými odborníky považováno za mýtus (viz toto vlákno Ask Tom – hledejte „mýtus“ ), ale stále je to běžná praxe, protože staré zvyky tvrdě umírají!

Úprava třetí strany

Výňatek z asktom:"Index tabulkového prostoru" od roku 2001 pro Oracle verze 8.1.6 otázku

  • Je stále dobrý nápad uchovávat indexy v jejich vlastním tabulkovém prostoru?
  • Zvyšuje to výkon nebo jde spíše o problém s obnovou?
  • Liší se odpověď na jednotlivých platformách?

První část odpovědi

Yes, no, maybe.

The idea, born in the 1980s when systems were tiny and user counts were in the single 
digits, was that you separated indexes from data into separate tablespaces on different 

In that fashion, you positioned the head of the disk in the index tablespace and the head 
of the disk in the data tablespace and that would be better then seeking 2 times on the 
same disk.

Drives back then were really slow at seeking and typically measured in the 10's to 100's 
of megabytes (if you were lucky)

Today, with logical volumes, raid, NN gigabyte (nn is rapidly becoming NNN gigabytes) 
drives, hundreds/thousands of concurrent users, thousands of tables, 10's of thousands of 
indexes - this sort of "optimization" is sort of impossible.

What you strive for today is to be able to manage things, to spread IO out evenly 
avoiding hot spots.

Since I believe all things should be in locally managed tablespaces with UNIFORM extent 
sizes, I would say that yes, indexes would be in a different tablespace from the data but 
only because they are a different SIZE then the data.  My table with 50 columns and an 
average row size of 4k might belong in a tablespace that has 5meg extents whereas the 
index on a single number column might belong in a tablespace with 512k or 1m extents.

I tend to keep my indexes separate from the data but for the above sizing reason.  The 
tablespaces frequently end up on the same exact mount points.  You strive for even io 
across your disks and you may end up with indexes and data on the same devices. 

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