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Výpis poslední zprávy každé konverzace zahrnující uživatele v MongoDB

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Toto je agregační příkaz, který lze spustit v mongo shellu. Vysvětlení najdete v textu.

//match all those records which involve Wood.
// sort all the messages by descending order
    // Now we need to group messages together, based on the to and from field.
    // We generate a key - "last_message_between", with the value being a concatenation
    // result of the values in to and from field.
    // Now, Messages from Wood to billy and Billy to wood should be treated under a single group right.
    // To achieve that, we do a small trick to make the result contain the name coming last
    // alphabetically, first. So our key for all the Messages from Wood to Billy and Billy to Wood would be 
    // "Wood and Billy".
    // And then we just display the first document that appears in the group, that would be the 
    // latest Message.
            {$concat:["$to"," and ","$from"]},
            {$concat:["$from"," and ","$to"]}

Níže můžete spustit na mongoose.

            {$concat:["$to"," and ","$from"]},
            {$concat:["$from"," and ","$to"]}
function(err, res)
    if (err) return handleError(err);

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