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Udržování otevřeného připojení Redis pomocí BookSleeve

Protože nemám žádné dobré odpovědi, přišel jsem s tímto řešením (BTW děkuji @Simon a @Alex za vaše odpovědi!).

Chci to sdílet s celou komunitou jako referenci. Jakékoli opravy samozřejmě velmi oceníme.

using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using BookSleeve;

namespace Redis
    public sealed class RedisConnectionGateway
        private const string RedisConnectionFailed = "Redis connection failed.";
        private RedisConnection _connection;
        private static volatile RedisConnectionGateway _instance;

        private static object syncLock = new object();
        private static object syncConnectionLock = new object();

        public static RedisConnectionGateway Current
                if (_instance == null)
                    lock (syncLock)
                        if (_instance == null)
                            _instance = new RedisConnectionGateway();

                return _instance;

        private RedisConnectionGateway()
            _connection = getNewConnection();

        private static RedisConnection getNewConnection()
            return new RedisConnection("" /* change with config value of course */, syncTimeout: 5000, ioTimeout: 5000);

        public RedisConnection GetConnection()
            lock (syncConnectionLock)
                if (_connection == null)
                    _connection = getNewConnection();

                if (_connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Opening)
                    return _connection;

                if (_connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Closing || _connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Closed)
                        _connection = getNewConnection();
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception(RedisConnectionFailed, ex);

                if (_connection.State == RedisConnectionBase.ConnectionState.Shiny)
                        var openAsync = _connection.Open();
                    catch (SocketException ex)
                        throw new Exception(RedisConnectionFailed, ex);

                return _connection;

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