umístí null
v řádku součtů, takže pokud to chcete nahradit, navrhoval bych vzít váš stávající dotaz a umístit jej do poddotazu a poté použít CASE
nahradit null
na Total
Váš kód bude podobný tomuto:
case when name is null then 'Total' else name end Name,
sum(Activated) Activated,
sum(Deactivated) Deactivated
when (upper( like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper( like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER'
end Name,
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),n.created_on,112),1,6) = '201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Activated',
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),m.LastLockoutDate,112),1,6)='201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Deactivated'
from membership.user_details d
inner join membership.aspnet_membership m
on m.userid = d.userid
inner join membership.user_notes n
on n.userid = d.userid
and n.CREATED_ON = (select min(created_on)
from membership.user_notes
where userid = n.userid
and note = 'received.')
where approved = 1
group by case when (upper( like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper( like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER' end
) src
group by name with rollup
Pokud svůj dotaz nezabalíte do poddotazu, můžete použít něco takového:
case when
when (upper(email) like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper(email) like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER'
end) is null then 'Total'
else case
when (upper(email) like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper(email) like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER'
end end Name,
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),n.created_on,112),1,6) = '201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Activated',
SUM(case when substring(convert(varchar(8),m.LastLockoutDate,112),1,6)='201209' then 1 else 0 end) 'Deactivated'
from membership.user_details d
inner join membership.aspnet_membership m
on m.userid = d.userid
inner join membership.user_notes n
on n.userid = d.userid
and n.CREATED_ON = (select min(created_on)
from membership.user_notes
where userid = n.userid
and note = 'received.')
where approved = 1
group by case when (upper( like '') then 'MAX'
when (upper( like '') then 'TAX'
else 'OTHER' end with rollup