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Uložená procedura:předat XML jako argument a INSERT (páry klíč/hodnota)

Zde je jeden příklad:

/* Create the stored procedure */
create procedure ParseXML (@InputXML xml)
    declare @MyTable table (
        id int,
        value int

    insert into @MyTable 
        (id, value)
        select Row.id.value('@id','int'), Row.id.value('@value','int') 
            from @InputXML.nodes('/Rows/Row') as Row(id)        

    select id, value
        from @MyTable

/* Create the XML Parameter */
declare @XMLParam xml
set @XMLParam = '<Rows>
                     <Row id="1" value="100" />
                     <Row id="2" value="200" />
                     <Row id="3" value="300" />

/* Call the stored procedure with the XML Parameter */
exec ParseXML @InputXML = @XMLParam

/* Clean up - Drop the procedure */
drop procedure ParseXML

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