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Funkce rozdělit řetězec na desetinná místa?

Toto je obecná funkce pro analýzu libovolného textového řetězce do tabulky hodnot... Můžete ji snadno použít k tomu, čeho se snažíte dosáhnout:

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ParseTextString] (@S Text, @delim VarChar(5))
Returns @tOut Table 
    (ValNum Integer Identity Primary Key, 
     sVal VarChar(8000))
Declare @dLLen TinyInt       -- Length of delimiter
Declare @sWin  VarChar(8000) -- Will Contain Window into text string
Declare @wLen  Integer       -- Length of Window
Declare @wLast TinyInt     -- Boolean to indicate processing Last Window
Declare @wPos  Integer     -- Start Position of Window within Text String
Declare @sVal  VarChar(8000) -- String Data to insert into output Table
Declare @BtchSiz Integer     -- Maximum Size of Window
    Set @BtchSiz = 7900      -- (Reset to smaller values to test routine)
Declare @dPos Integer        -- Position within Window of next Delimiter
Declare @Strt Integer        -- Start Position of each data value within Window
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
If @delim is Null Set @delim = '|'
If DataLength(@S) = 0 Or
      Substring(@S, 1, @BtchSiz) = @delim Return
-- ---------------------------
Select @dLLen = Len(@delim),
       @Strt = 1, @wPos = 1,
       @sWin = Substring(@S, 1, @BtchSiz)
Select @wLen = Len(@sWin),
       @wLast = Case When Len(@sWin) = @BtchSiz
           Then 0 Else 1 End,
       @dPos = CharIndex(@delim, @sWin, @Strt)
-- ------------------------------------
  While @Strt <= @wLen
      If @dPos = 0 -- No More delimiters in window
          If @wLast = 1 Set @dPos = @wLen + 1 
              Set @wPos = @wPos + @Strt - 1
              Set @sWin = Substring(@S, @wPos, @BtchSiz)
              -- ----------------------------------------
              Select @wLen = Len(@sWin), @Strt = 1,
                     @wLast = Case When Len(@sWin) = @BtchSiz
                              Then 0 Else 1 End,
                     @dPos = CharIndex(@delim, @sWin, 1)
              If @dPos = 0 Set @dPos = @wLen + 1 
      -- -------------------------------
      Set @sVal = LTrim(Substring(@sWin, @Strt, @dPos - @Strt))
      Insert @tOut (sVal) Values (@sVal)
      -- -------------------------------
      -- Move @Strt to char after last delimiter
      Set @Strt = @dPos + @dLLen 
      Set @dPos = CharIndex(@delim, @sWin, @Strt)

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