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Najděte věty se dvěma slovy vedle sebe na str

Jednodušší řešení, ale dává výsledky pouze tehdy, když v item.position nejsou žádné mezery s:

SELECT DISTINCT sentence.sentenceid 
  FROM sentence 
  JOIN item ON sentence.sentenceid = item.sentenceid
  JOIN word ON item.wordid = word.wordid
  JOIN item AS next_item ON sentence.sentenceid = next_item.sentenceid
                        AND next_item.position = item.position + 1
  JOIN word AS next_word ON next_item.wordid = next_word.wordid
 WHERE word.spelling = 'word1'
   AND next_word.spelling = 'word2'

Obecnější řešení pomocí funkcí oken :

FROM (SELECT sentence.sentenceid,
             lead(word.spelling) OVER (PARTITION BY sentence.sentenceid
                                           ORDER BY item.position)
        FROM sentence 
        JOIN item ON sentence.sentenceid = item.sentenceid
        JOIN word ON item.wordid = word.wordid) AS pairs
 WHERE spelling = 'word1'
   AND lead = 'word2'

Upravit :Také obecné řešení (mezery povoleny), ale pouze se spojeními:

SELECT DISTINCT sentence.sentenceid
  FROM sentence 
  JOIN item ON sentence.sentenceid = item.sentenceid
  JOIN word ON item.wordid = word.wordid
  JOIN item AS next_item ON sentence.sentenceid = next_item.sentenceid
                        AND next_item.position > item.position
  JOIN word AS next_word ON next_item.wordid = next_word.wordid
  LEFT JOIN item AS mediate_word ON sentence.sentenceid = mediate_word.sentenceid
                                AND mediate_word.position > item.position
                                AND mediate_word.position < next_item.position
 WHERE mediate_word.wordid IS NULL
   AND word.spelling = 'word1'
   AND next_word.spelling = 'word2'

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