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Najděte celý strom od kořene s libovolným uzlem

Nejprve musíte projít stromem nahoru, abyste získali všechny manažery, a poté dolů, abyste získali všechny zaměstnance:

select level, employee_id, last_name, manager_id ,
       connect_by_root employee_id as root_id
   from employees
connect by prior employee_id = manager_id -- down the tree
start with manager_id in ( -- list up the tree
     select manager_id 
       from employees
     connect by employee_id = prior manager_id -- up the tree
     start with employee_id = 101

Viz http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/d15e7/18


Pokud daný uzel může být také kořenovým uzlem, rozšiřte dotaz tak, aby zahrnoval daný uzel v seznamu nadřazených uzlů:

Příklad pro nekořenový uzel:

select distinct employee_id, last_name, manager_id 
   from employees
connect by prior employee_id = manager_id -- down the tree
start with manager_id in ( -- list up the tree
     select manager_id 
       from employees
     connect by employee_id = prior manager_id -- up the tree
     start with employee_id = 101
     select manager_id -- in case we are the root node
       from employees
     where manager_id = 101

Příklad pro kořenový uzel:

select distinct employee_id, last_name, manager_id 
   from employees
connect by prior employee_id = manager_id -- down the tree
start with manager_id in ( -- list up the tree
     select manager_id 
       from employees
     connect by employee_id = prior manager_id -- up the tree
     start with employee_id = 100
     select manager_id -- in case we are the root node
       from employees
     where manager_id = 100

Fiddle na http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/d15e7/32

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