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Oracle - jedinečné hodnoty Listagg

Odstranil jsem první distinct protože již group by všechna pole ve vašem Select dotaz a nahradil case when pomocí select dotaz:

select ds.catnr,ds.planqty, ds.ordnr, ds.posnr, ds.segnr, 
    listagg((select distinct max(li1.paco) from leos_item li1 where li.av_part_no = li1.av_part_no and li.paco is not null), ', ') within group (order by pd.part_no) inq_no
    from oes_delsegview ds, oes_address ad, oes_opos op, oes_nrbom nr, scm_prodtyp sp, leos_item li, part_description pd
    where ds.delnr = ad.key
    and ad.adr = ds.deladr
    and ds.pos_o_status not in ('9', 'D')
    and ds.pos_c_status not in ('9', 'D')
    and ds.seg_o_status not in ('9', 'D')
    and ds.seg_c_status not in ('9', 'D')
    and ds.cunr in ('W31170','W31172')
    and ds.pos_type != 'RC'
    and ds.ordnr = op.ordnr
    and ds.posnr = op.posnr
    and ds.catnr = pd.catnr
    and ds.prodtyp = pd.prodtyp
    and ds.packtyp = pd.packtyp
    and ds.catnr = nr.p_catnr (+)
    and ds.prodtyp = nr.p_prodtyp (+)
    and ds.packtyp = nr.p_packtyp (+)
    and nr.c_prodtyp = sp.prodtyp (+) 
    and sp.prodgrp (+) = 'COMP'
    and substr(nr.c_prodtyp,1,2) not in ('MT','LF')
    and nr.c_catnr = li.catnr (+)
    and nr.c_prodtyp = li.prodtyp (+)
    and nr.c_packtyp = li.packtyp (+)
    and pd.catnr = '9780007938797'
    group by ds.catnr,ds.planqty, ds.ordnr, ds.posnr, ds.segnr

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