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Počítejte návštěvy do dneška, tohoto týdne, minulého měsíce a celkem [Dotaz MySQL]

Vyzkoušejte to. Nevím, jak se vaše tabulka jmenuje, proto jsem ji označil jako trafficTable :

-- Visits today
select count(*) as visits_today
from trafficTable tt
where tt.type != 'click'
and tt.id_user = '19d71'
and datetime >= curdate();

-- Visits this week
select count(*) as visits_this_week
from trafficTable tt
where tt.type != 'click'
and tt.id_user = '19d71'
and yearweek(datetime) = yearweek(curdate());

-- Visits this month
select count(*) as visits_this_month
from trafficTable tt
where tt.type != 'click'
and tt.id_user = '19d71'
and year(datetime) = year(curdate())
and month(datetime) = month(curdate());

-- Total visits
select count(*) as total_visits
from trafficTable tt
where tt.type != 'click'
and tt.id_user = '19d71';

--- if you want the last month - this help other ppl in other thread
    select count(*) as visits_this_month
    from trafficTable tt
    where tt.type != 'click'
    and tt.id_user = '19d71'
    and year(datetime) <= year(curdate())
    and month(datetime) <= month(curdate());

  1. Jak vytvořit dynamické kontingenční tabulky v MySQL

  2. Potenciální vylepšení ASPState

  3. Vraťte původní počáteční hodnotu sloupce identity na serveru SQL Server

  4. PostgreSQL dočasné tabulky