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Zkuste následující:

DECLARE @str nvarchar(max) = '0150566115,"HEALTH 401K","IC,ON","ICON HEALTH 401K",,,1,08/21/2014'
  SUBSTRING(@str, 1, CHARINDEX('"', @str, 1) - 1)
  + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@str, CHARINDEX('"', @str, 1), LEN(@str) - CHARINDEX('"', REVERSE(@str), 1) - CHARINDEX('"', @str, 1) + 2), ',', ' ' + CHAR(7) + ' '), CHAR(7) + ' ', ''), '" "', ','), '"', '')
  + REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(@str), 1, CHARINDEX('"', REVERSE(@str), 1) - 1))

--Extracting the portion of the string before the first occurrence of '"'.
DECLARE @part1 nvarchar(max) = SUBSTRING(@str, 1, CHARINDEX('"', @str, 1) - 1)

--String between first and last occurrence of '"' and removing unwanted characters.
DECLARE @part2 nvarchar(max) = SUBSTRING(@str, CHARINDEX('"', @str, 1), LEN(@str) - CHARINDEX('"', REVERSE(@str), 1) - CHARINDEX('"', @str, 1) + 2)
SET @part2 = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@part2, ',', ' ' + CHAR(7) + ' '), CHAR(7) + ' ', ''), '" "', ','), '"', '')

--String after the last occurrence of '"'
DECLARE @part3 nvarchar(max) = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(@str), 1, CHARINDEX('"', REVERSE(@str), 1) - 1))

  @part1 + @part2 + @part3


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