Pomocí union all
a poddotazy k omezení záznamů by to měly dělat:
select * from users where id = 5
union all (
select * from users
where score < (select score from users where id = 5)
order by score desc limit 2
union all (
select * from users
where score > (select score from users where id = 5)
order by score asc limit 2
order by score
Edit:Myslím, že lepší metodou je očíslovat řádky podle skóre a poté vybrat řádky s číslem -2 a +2 z řádků s ID 5:
select id, name, score
from (select
t.*, @rownum1 := @rownum1 + 1 as rank
from users t, (select @rownum1 := 0) r
order by score
) a,
(select rank from (
select t.*,
@rownum := @rownum + 1 as rank
from users t, (select @rownum := 0) r
order by score
) t
where id = 5
) b
where b.rank between a.rank -2 and a.rank+2
order by score;