Zkuste to takto, nemám žádné schéma, abych to otestoval sám, ale mám pocit, že by to mělo fungovat (nebo něco takového)
SELECT * FROM questions, connections
LEFT JOIN answers ON (questions.id = answers.id AND
connections.username2 = answers.username)
where connections.username1 = 'mikha';
nakonec takhle
SELECT * FROM questions
LEFT JOIN answers ON (questions.id = answers.id)
LEFT JOIN connections ON (connections.username2 = answers.username)
where connections.username1 = 'mikha';
EDIT:Našel jsem to v dokumentaci
Takže ve vašem případě to může být
SELECT * FROM questions
LEFT JOIN connections
LEFT JOIN answers ON (connections.username1 = 'mikha' AND questions.id = answers.id AND
connections.username2 = answers.username)